Weekly Training 30 Oct 2024
Weekly Training 30 Oct 2024
RO 30-Oct-24 Please bring in any uniform exchanges for full dress if needed.
RO 30-Oct-24 Please bring in any uniform exchanges for full dress if needed.
RO 06-Nov-24 Drill practice and uniform inspection for Remembrance day parade If you do not have a dress uniform, please wear dark (black) pants and a white dress shirt. You will be required to wear either a dress uniform of dark pants and white shirt for remembrance day parade.
If you do not have a uniform, dress in dark pants and white shirt. If the weather requires a jacket, where your issued parka or your civilian jacket and gloves. Glen Williams Form up at Glen Williams School 10:30 am Service at Glen William Cenotaph 11:00 am
Georgetown Form up at the Legion (Market Street) 1:30 pm Service at Remembrance Park 2:00 pm If you do not have a uniform, dress in dark pants and white shirt. If the weather requires a jacket, where your issued parka or your civilian jacket and gloves.
Colonel Hansen's live virtual presentation will demonstrate the benefits and advantages the cadet program can offer to those cadets who may be attracted towards a career in the CAF. Dress for Cadets. FTU/STU. Afternoon activities will be taking place outside. Warm weather clothing is recommended (hats, gloves etc.). In light of the lack of Logistics […]
There will be no cadets on the Wednesday night as the Mess Dinner will be held on Friday 29 November