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Cricket Chill @ Borden – Update BUS Departs 7:45

Borden Borden, ON

BUS will be departing at 7:45.   Returning bus will arrive 5:00 pm This activity is open to all cadets. If you attended last year's Cricket activity then you are aware of how much fun this activity was but this time it's being done in the winter.  This activity has many different winter activities that you […]

Weekly Training 12 Feb 2025

RO 12-Feb-25 We will start to get the green stars into the dress uniforms.  We are also going to start practicing for our final parade.

CES – Silver / Gold Mandatory Training – 1st Session

Kelso Conservation Area, Milton ON 5234 Kelso Rd, Milton, Ontario, Canada

This is the mandatory expedition training needed for Silver and Gold stars to pass their star level.  We have slots for 15 silver stars and 12 gold stars on this date. There is a 2nd date 23-25 May for an additional 15 silver stars and 12 gold stars. You need to sign-up for one of […]

CES Silver / Gold Mandatory Training – 2nd Session

Kelso Conservation Area, Milton ON 5234 Kelso Rd, Milton, Ontario, Canada

This is the mandatory expedition training needed for Silver and Gold stars to pass their star level.  We have slots for 15 silver stars and 12 gold stars on this date. There is a 2nd date 9-11 May for an additional 15 silver stars and 12 gold stars. You need to sign-up for one of […]